Here are some of the questionss my students and I use when reading papers: 1) What is the primary lesson(s) you took away from this paper (avoid abstract level summary)? 2) Could I have done this work if I had the idea why or why not? 3) Is there anything I could do to repeat or validate? 4) What is my best idea for follow on work that I could personally do? (Make notes of materials available from the paper- data sets, source code) 5) What is my best idea for follow on work that I'd like to see the authors or others do? 6) Any logistical experimental lessons I learned (this is a little different than #1 here you are looking for techniques)? 7) How does this compare to the other papers we read? Most similar? How different? Other comparisons? 8) What is your biggest criticism of the paper? 9) List 3 cited references or terms/concepts that you would be most interested in reading/learning more about.